Saturday, November 5, 2011

Long Run Saturday.

I'm slowly, slowly building up my mileage. Slow as in a half a mile a week. So today's run was a 5.5 miler. This was actually poor planning on my part as my turnaround point was smack dab in the middle of an OMG-Steep-Ass hill. I decided halfway down that I wouldn't be able to stop momentum to turn around and ended up doing this weird skip/hop/who-the-hell-knows-what gait down the hill that must've looked hilarious.

But not as hilarious as today's other issue. Running tights. Specifically, low-rise running tights. I have two pair of running tights, one significantly higher waisted than the other. Those were dirty, so I had to put on the low slung ones. I knew I didn't want to run through my community with half of my butt crack hanging out, so I put a running skirt over it. Um, yeah. It didn't help. Last time I wore those low-rise tights by themselves and though they slid, I could easily grab and adjust them. But with a skirt on top, I had to reach inside my skirt to get at the pants. But because I knew my butt wasn't actually out, I just let it ride. Big mistake. Those damn pants literally slid all the way off my ass. And while they were at it, they decided to take my underwear with them. Awesome. So now I've got my underwear and tights at crotch level, and the only reason they weren't at knee level was a tiny running skirt holding them up. I'm shuffling down the road like this, and wouldn't you know? My normally quiet community had traffic everywhere. I ran like that for quite awhile before there weren't any witnesses to me jamming my hands down the back of my skirt all the way up to my elbows and hauling my panties and pants back up into the light.


  1. Now that was hilarious because I can literally envision you doing this and looking around to make sure no one is looking, while cussing up a storm that there are too many cars on the road and where they all came from! LMAO!!!
