Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Beautiful Three.

I have come to love my three mile run days. A half an hour of my time, and I feel awesome the rest of the day. Currently my training schedule has me running 3 twice a week and a long run on Saturday. After next week's 10K, I'm going to slowly add in a third 3. I love the sun on my face, favorite tunes in my ears and power in my legs.

If you'd told me six months ago that THREE FREAKIN MILES would be my happy place, I would have laughed at you. Now I find myself looking forward to them. And I love watching my time get faster and faster without really any effort besides getting the hell outside and busting out some miles.

There's this old dude in my neighborhood that is always running (with or without his shirt). Frankly, I used to think he was bat-shit crazy. Running everywhere with a big ol' grin on his face. Now? I totally get it. Go on, old man, go on with your bad self!

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