Thursday, October 27, 2011

Out and Back.

For my 3 mile runs (2-3x a week) I have two choices. Turn left at my front door and run a mile and a half down the road ans back or turn right and do the same. Left is hillier and a more interesting run. Right seems to have less traffic and is a bit safer. Both have me bored to death. My community's main road is a 7.2 mile circle around a lake, and I'm really looking forward to the day when I can just run the whole thing. Today my husband happened to be home so I asked him to drop me off at a spot about 3.3 miles from my front door and I ran home. Unfortunately (fortunately??) that put a big butt-kicker hill at the beginning of my run that I'd never been up before. It sucked and was exhilarating at the same time. For some reason when I run hills I visualize roller coaster tracks pulling me up. You know how they click, click, click as you go up? I see/hear that in my mind's eye. It helps a lot. Now I need to come up with a mantra to say during those times when I feel I can't go on...

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