Monday, January 23, 2012

It's only getting more miserable out there!

Saturday was snowing and the roads were completely iced. I knew that there was no friggin way I could do a 9 mile with out a high risk of hurting myself. Sunday came with cold, sleet and wet roads. I enjoy running in the mornings, but everything was too iced. I spent all morning getting more and more antsy at the prospect of missing my long run. By the time I put my 2 year old down for a nap, the roads looked better and I actually saw a couple run past my house. I got dressed and headed out. As soon as I got going I realized it was freakin' cold (33 degrees)and drizzling freezing rain. I kept going anyway. About three miles out from the house I realized that *ahem* I was going to need a bathroom. And of course all the bathrooms in the parks are closed for the winter season. Misery. Mile 7 brought me back to the top of my loop course and back to my house. I kept going even though I really, really needed a bathroom. Probably the only reason I hadn't had an accident was that my ass was actually frozen. By mile 8 I was reaching emergency status, looked down at my Garmin and realized I was running 13:30 minute miles and decided to end the misery. Finished up at 8.25 miles and am impressed with my ability (insanity?) to make it that far. Yesterday sucked, but I got it done.

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