Friday, March 30, 2012

Knees & Potholes

Tuesday I ran four miles at a mildly easy pace. About halfway, I failed to notice a pothole in the road and slammed my leg into it hurting my knee. You know that feeling when you expect one more stair on a staircase, but there isn't one and you take a weird step? That's exactly what happened, I expected my foot to hit the road and the road wasn't where it was supposed to be.

Wednesday I ran 3 at about the same pace. By a mile I could feel my knee begin to hurt (and a weird twang on my opposite foot bottom) and be the end of the run I was limping. Argh.

I have my first 15K tomorrow and am hoping that 2 days rest and icing will have allowed sufficient healing. If I do run it, I'm just treating it as a long training run. No land speed records. No max effort, I swear! I'll take it easy...

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